Starting a kitchen renovation demands a strategic approach to ensure a seamless and satisfying journey. Your dream kitchen should materialise without the headache of surprise expenses, frustrating delays, or strained relationships with contractors. For this you will need to anticipate and address potential cost blowouts to safeguard against unexpected setbacks and maintain harmonious collaboration with your renovation team.


Consider the following potential costs that might slip under the radar:

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Builder Cost

Assess whether layout or structural changes are necessary for your design vision to come to fruition.


Designer Fees

Determine if the expertise of a designer is required to elevate your renovation plans to the next level.


Permit/Council Fees

Clarify if any council permissions or associated fees are needed to comply with regulations.


Delivery Charges

While most items may be budgeted for, ensure transparent communication regarding delivery charges.



Decide who will handle the removal process and address any concerns such as asbestos removal.


Finishing Touches

Beyond the kitchen itself, consider responsibilities for finishing touches and any areas requiring attention post-installation.


Labor Cost

Anticipate unforeseen areas that may require specialist tradesmen, such as painters, plasterers, or tilers, and allocate responsibilities accordingly.

Contingency Plan

Establish a contingency fund, typically around 10% of the project’s total cost, to cover unforeseen expenses and unexpected issues that may arise during the renovation process.

By proactively addressing these potential costs and incorporating them into your renovation plan, you can navigate the journey with confidence and ensure a successful outcome that aligns with your vision and budgetary constraints. With thorough preparation and clear communication, your kitchen renovation journey can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, culminating in the realization of your dream culinary space.